Exrazer.xyz Documentation

Original content of this website has been moved to nsfw.exrazer.xyz

HTTPS API documentation


Exrazer.xyz is a free subdomain service. You can use it via a HTTPS API or via a command line tool.
To get any support, please email [email protected].

API Routes

Exrazer.xyz can be acced via https://api.exrazer.xyz/. 2 differents types of routes are possible: key/ and subdomains/.

Keys routes

/key/get: Provides you an API key when fetched with a GET request. Each key has unlimited uses and need to be provided in the URL parameters of each other route (?api=).

#example curl request
$ curl -L -X GET https://api.exrazer.xyz/key/get

/key/info: Provides informations about an API key when fetched with a GET request. Needs a key= parameter including an API key.

#example curl request
$ curl -L -X GET "https://api.exrazer.xyz/key/info?key=e3f456aabd8d66e500571b875985e92c"
{"success":true,"result":{"key":"e3f456aabd8d66e500571b875985e92c","last_used":null,"times_used":0,"created_at":"2024-12-12 16:04:45"}}       

/key/delete: Deletes the given API key and all associated subdomains when fetched with a POST request. THIS CANNOT BE REVOKED. Needs a key= parameter including an API key.

#example curl request
$ curl -L -X POST "https://api.exrazer.xyz/key/delete?key=e3f456aabd8d66e500571b875985e92c"
{"success":true,"result":"API key [e3f456aabd8d66e500571b875985e92c] and all associated subdomains successfully deleted."}

Subdomains routes

/subdomain/create: Create a new subdomain when fetched with a POST request. Needs a key= parameter including an API key, a subdomain= parameter including the subdomain name, a type= parameter including the record name (Supported records: 'A', 'AAAA', 'CNAME', 'MX', 'TXT', 'SRV', 'PTR', 'NS') and a value= parameter including the record value.

#example curl request
$ curl -L -X POST "https://api.exrazer.xyz/subdomain/create?key=8cc99cd214f5a69c57d857e401f1537b&subdomain=helloworld&type=TXT&value=hey"
{"success":true,"result":"Subdomain [helloworld => hey | TXT] successfully created."}

/subdomain/update: Updates a subdomain when fetched with a POST request. THIS CANNOT BE REVOKED. Needs a key= parameter including an API key, a subdomain= parameter including the subdomain name, a type= parameter including the record name (Supported records: 'A', 'AAAA', 'CNAME', 'TXT') and a value= parameter including the record value.

#example curl request
$ curl -L -X POST "https://api.exrazer.xyz/subdomain/update?key=8cc99cd214f5a69c57d857e401f1537b&subdomain=helloworld&type=A&value="
{"success":true,"result":"Subdomain successfully updated to [helloworld => | A]."}

/subdomain/delete: Deletes a subdomain when fetched with a POST request. THIS CANNOT BE REVOKED. Needs a key= parameter including an API key and a subdomain= parameter including the subdomain name.

#example curl request
$ curl -L -X POST "https://api.exrazer.xyz/subdomain/delete?key=8cc99cd214f5a69c57d857e401f1537b&subdomain=helloworld"
{"success":true,"result":"Subdomain [helloworld] successfully deleted."}

/subdomain/list: List all subdomains of an API key when fetched with a GET request. Needs a key= parameter including an API key.

#example curl request
$ curl -L -X GET "https://api.exrazer.xyz/subdomain/list?key=8cc99cd214f5a69c57d857e401f1537b"
{"success":true,"subdomains":[{"name":"helloworld","type":"A","value":"","created_at":"2024-12-12 16:26:51"}]}

Possible API Responses

Code 200

All API responses will be 200 status code and will include a JSON-formated response with a success boolean and a result string.

Possible responses for /key/get :

#Response 1: Success.
    "success": true,
    "result": "a80ef0eb3b941411a1017468d5ad7a01"

Possible responses for /key/info :

#Response 1: No key parameter given
    "success": false,
    "result": "Missing required parameter: key."
#Response 2: Invalid API key.
    "success": false,
    "result": "API key not found"
#Response 3: Success.
    "success": true,
    "result": {
      "key": "977ccc00885207f1d1225f980758216a",
      "last_used": null,
      "times_used": 0,
      "created_at": "2024-12-12 16:51:18"

Possible responses for /key/delete :

#Response 1: No key parameter given
    "success": false,
    "result": "Missing required parameter: key."
#Response 2: Failed to delete DNS records, please contact support.
    "success": false,
    "result": "Failed to delete DNS record on Cloudflare."
#Response 3: Database error, please contact support.
    "success": false,
    "result": "Failed to delete API key."
#Response 4: Success.
    "success": true,
    "result": "API key [977ccc00885207f1d1225f980758216a] and all associated subdomains successfully deleted."

Possible responses for /subdomain/create :

#Response 1: Missing parameters.
    "result":"Missing required parameters: key, subdomain, type, or value."
#Response 2: Invalid DNS type (not in 'A', 'AAAA', 'CNAME', 'TXT').
    "success": false,
    "result": "Invalid DNS type."
#Response 3: Invalid subdomain format, check if the subdomain doesn't have illegal rules.
    "success": false,
    "result": "Invalid subdomain format."
#Response 4: Invalid IP address (for A and AAAA types).
    "success": false,
    "result": "Invalid IP address."
#Response 5: Invalid CNAME domain (for CNAME types).
    "success": false,
    "result": "Invalid CNAME value."
#Response 6: Invalid API key.
    "success": false,
    "result": "API key not found"
#Response 7: Subdomain already exists, choose another one.
    "success": false,
    "result": "API key not found"
#Response 8: Failed to create DNS record, please contact support.
    "success": false,
    "result": "Failed to create DNS record on Cloudflare."
#Response 9: Success.
    "success": true,
    "result": "Subdomain [helloworld => exrazer.xyz | CNAME] successfully created."

Possible responses for /subdomain/update :

#Response 1 -9: Same as /subdomain/create responses.

Possible responses for /subdomain/delete :

#Response 1: Missing parameters.
    "success": false,
    "result": "Missing required parameters: key or subdomain."
#Response 2: Invalid subdomain.
    "success": false,
    "result": "Subdomain does not exist."
#Response 3: Wrong API key.
    "success": false,
    "result": "API key does not match the subdomain."
#Response 4: Failed to delete DNS record of Cloudflare, please contact support.
    "success": false,
    "result": "Failed to delete DNS record on Cloudflare."
#Response 5: Success.
    "success": true,
    "result": "Subdomain [helloworld] successfully deleted."

Possible responses for /subdomain/list :

#Response 1: No key parameter given
    "success": false,
    "result": "Missing required parameter: key."
#Response 2: Invalid API key.
    "success": false,
    "result": "API key not found"
#Response 3: Success.
    "success": true,
    "subdomains": [
        "name": "helloworld",
        "type": "CNAME",
        "value": "exrazer.xyz",
        "created_at": "2024-12-12 18:01:55"
        "name": "helloworld2",
        "type": "A",
        "value": "",
        "created_at": "2024-12-12 18:02:29"